Recalled Product Name/Brand/ID

Recall ID: 9855

Recall Number: 24120

Recall Date: February 15, 2024

Product Name: Rhino 24-foot Hot Foot Climbing Sticks

Brand: Rhino

Recalled Product Images

Recalled Rhino 24-foot Hot Foot Climbing Stick, Model RTSL-24

Potential Risks or Issues

The climbing sticks can break at the weld point, posing fall and laceration hazards to consumers.

Has Anyone Been Injured?

FeraDyne has received nine reports of the recalled climbing sticks breaking, resulting in three reports of laceration injuries.

About the Recall

This recall involves Rhino branded 24-foot Hot Foot Climbing Sticks used in game hunting. They have extended tree braces with angled steps in six four-foot stick sections. The model name “RTSL-24” and lot codes are printed on a label attached to the support pole. Lot codes with calendar year 2023 and all previous years are included in this recall. The lot codes have a two-digit year followed by a two-digit month, i.e., 2312xx, 2212xx.

Where to Find Unique Identification of this Product

The unique identification of this product can be found on the label attached to the support pole. It includes the model name “RTSL-24” and lot codes with a two-digit year followed by a two-digit month.

How Many Units Are Affected?

About 8,900 units of the Rhino 24-foot Hot Foot Climbing Sticks are affected by this recall.

Affected Batch/Date Range

The recall includes all lot codes with calendar year 2023 and all previous years.

Who is the Distributor(s)?

The distributor of the recalled product is FeraDyne Outdoors, LLC, of Superior, Wisconsin.

Places Where Recalled Product was Sold

The recalled product was sold at,, and other sporting goods stores nationwide from January 2021 through December 2023 for about $100.

Where was This Manufactured?

The Rhino 24-foot Hot Foot Climbing Sticks were manufactured in China.

Actions for Consumers

  • Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled climbing sticks.
  • Contact FeraDyne Outdoors to receive a full refund.
  • Consumers can return the recalled product with a FeraDyne-provided prepaid mailer or receive instructions on how to destroy the climbing stick.

Additional Information

For more information about this recall, consumers can contact FeraDyne Outdoors at 800-787-7589 Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. CT. They can also email at or visit the websites or and click on “Recall” at the top of the page.

Regulatory Compliance

This recall complies with the regulations set by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC).

How Can I Protect Myself From Falling Victim?

To protect yourself from falling victim to this recall, immediately stop using the Rhino 24-foot Hot Foot Climbing Sticks and follow the actions for consumers mentioned above. Stay updated with product recalls and regularly check the CPSC website for any safety alerts.

Final Thought

It is important for consumers to be aware of product recalls to ensure their safety and the safety of others. By following the recommended actions and staying informed, we can prevent potential injuries and hazards associated with recalled products.