DailySale Recalls High-Powered Magnetic Balls Due to Ingestion Hazard; Violation of the Federal Safety Regulation for Toy Magnet Sets
Recall ID: 9834
Recall Number: 24097
Recall Date: February 1, 2024
Last Publish Date: February 1, 2024
Potential Risks or Issues
This recall involves 216-piece 5mm Magnetic DIY Balls Magic Cubes which are small, spherical, loose and separable neodymium rare-earth magnets with a strong magnetic flux. The 5mm-diameter magnets are sold in a set of colored magnetic balls. The recalled Magnetic Balls Magic Cubes were sold encased in a clear, plastic case and a tin storage box.
The magnetic ball sets do not comply with the requirements of the mandatory federal toy regulation because they contain one or more magnets that fit within CPSC’s small parts cylinder and the magnets are stronger than permitted. When high-powered magnets are swallowed, the ingested magnets can attract to each other or to another metal object and become lodged in the digestive system. This can result in perforations, twisting and/or blockage of the intestines, infection, blood poisoning and death.
Has Anyone Been Injured?
None reported. However, the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) estimates that 2,400 magnet ingestions were treated in hospital emergency departments from 2017 through 2021. CPSC is aware of seven deaths since 2005 involving the ingestion of hazardous magnets, including two outside of the United States.
About the Recall
DailySale Inc. is recalling the high-powered Magnetic Balls Magic Cubes due to an ingestion hazard and violation of the federal safety regulation for toy magnet sets. The recall was issued on February 1, 2024.
Where to Find Unique Identification of this Product
The recalled Magnetic Balls Magic Cubes can be identified by the following details:
- Name: Magnetic DIY Balls Magic Cube, 5mm
- Number of Units: About 105
How Many Units Are Affected? Affected Batch/Date Range
Approximately 105 units of the Magnetic DIY Balls Magic Cube, 5mm are affected by this recall.
Who is the Distributor(s)?
The distributor of the recalled product is DailySale Inc., located in Pompano Beach, Florida.
Places Where Recalled Product was Sold
The recalled Magnetic Balls Magic Cubes were sold online at www.dailysale.com from July 2021 through May 2022 for about $30.
Where was This Manufactured?
The recalled Magnetic Balls Magic Cubes were manufactured in China.
Actions for Consumers
Consumers who purchased the recalled magnetic balls should take the following actions:
- Stop using the recalled magnetic balls immediately
- Take them away from children
- Contact DailySale by email at recall@dailysale.com or visit https://dailysale.com/pages/recall and click on “Recall Notice” for more information
- Receive a pre-paid label from DailySale to return the recalled magnetic balls for a full refund
- Follow the instructions provided by DailySale for the return process
DailySale is notifying all known purchasers directly.
Remedy Process
Consumers who have purchased the recalled Magnetic Balls Magic Cubes can request a full refund by contacting DailySale. DailySale will provide a pre-paid label for the return of the recalled magnetic balls. Once the returned product is received, consumers will be issued a full refund.
Additional Information
For additional information about the recall, consumers can visit the official recall page at https://www.cpsc.gov/Recalls/2024/DailySale-Recalls-High-Powered-Magnetic-Balls-Due-to-Ingestion-Hazard-Violation-of-the-Federal-Safety-Regulation-for-Toy-Magnet-Sets or contact DailySale directly.
Regulatory Compliance
The recalled Magnetic Balls Magic Cubes do not comply with the requirements of the mandatory federal toy regulation.
How Can I Protect Myself From Falling Victim?
To protect yourself from the ingestion hazard associated with high-powered magnets, it is important to follow these precautions:
- Avoid purchasing or using magnetic toys that do not comply with safety regulations
- Keep small magnets and magnetic toys out of the reach of young children
- If you suspect a child has ingested magnets, seek medical attention immediately
- Keep all magnetic toys away from medical devices and electronics
Final Thought
It is crucial to prioritize the safety of children when it comes to toys and play products. Ingesting high-powered magnets can have severe consequences, including serious injuries and even death. Consumers should take immediate action to stop using the recalled Magnetic Balls Magic Cubes and follow the provided instructions to obtain a refund. By being vigilant and informed, we can prevent potential hazards and ensure the well-being of our loved ones.